Juice it up!

Apart from being refreshing, juices are also important in maintaining good health. What’s more, you can get creative with the combinations and flavours

| JANUARY 28, 2018, 03:49 AM IST
Juice it up!

Your immune system is a network of cells and tissues that build a defense mechanism to help your body fight unwanted microorganisms and adapt to the changing weather conditions. With the fluctuating weather conditions each day, the body becomes vulnerable to the elements-new weather conditions can shock the immune system and leave it susceptible to illness. The immune system acts like a shield under which multiple parts of the body function. It is a complex system that doesn’t rely on any one solution. One needs to consider various other factors inorder to boost the immune system. Fruits and vegetables make up a very prominent part of the solution to enhance immunity and the juices complement a dietary lifestyle aimed at battling out the illness.

In winter, the air is colder and drier, and it’s often just a matter of time before you catch the sniffles. That’s why it’s incredibly important to focus on immunity now, more than any other time in the year. The best way to avoid a debilitating cold or flu is to attack a compromised immune system head on with preventative measures. One of the most efficient and effective ways to boost your body’s immunity is through fruit and vegetable juices. These act as concentrated detoxifying solutions that pump in nutrition in the blood stream.

Begin your day with a juice that combines two fruits and vegetables. But before juicing any of them, make yourself aware of the importance of proper combinations. Always offset a juice’s fruit component with earthy vegetables and/or chlorophyll-powered green leaves. While a fruit juice is nutritious on its own, its effects are increaded with vegetables and greens. Combining fruits with other ingredients also dilutes the sugar content of the juice so that it doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels too drastically. 

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