Thursday 25 Apr 2024

When rock and Star Wars meet

| JANUARY 19, 2017, 12:00 AM IST

Photo Credits: PG1. DC

This is something interesting. Rock music and Star Wars fans will love the mash-up work by Photoshop artist Steven Lear, better known as whythelongplayface, where he takes the popular Star Wars movies and fuse them onto classic album covers. In this collection, the album covers include Pink Floyd’s 1975 album Wish You Were Here starring Princess Lea and R2-D2, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and Lana Del Rey's Born To Die, starring the heroes and villains from the saga. The work is detailed, precise and comes from someone who obviously values both rock music and the beauty of Star Wars.

It must have taken a lot of time to first match rock album covers with what Lear had in mind for the Star Wars visuals. Or was it the other way around? Nevertheless, this seems to be one selection of great artwork that you just cannot miss really. Even if you’re not a Star Wars fan or a fan of rock music, you should scan the QR code to get to whythelongplayface’s website and have a look at what Steven Lear has done. It’s worth it really.

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